Reports from the creative edge of common sense about prudent stewardship

Our current way of thinking about effecting positive social change, by design and with intention, is not working.

We need a new way.

What if superfund stewardship finance is that new way?

In this newsletter, I offer thoughts about current happenings and timeless concerns to help you evolve your own thinking about prudent stewardship of our evolving future, and the marks you want to make on the New Economy Canvass.

new learning in the New Economy Academy

about Pensions within Finance as social structures for social decision making,
accountable to the common sense and common wisdom of commonly wise and sensible people @

put into action in the New Economy Canvass

fiduciary places and processes that are safe places and processes for People Who Care
as citizen-savers self-selected from the general population of everyday people living our everyday lives to make our own individual contributions to local community engagement in globally curated conversations for articulating to superfiduciary stewards of society’s social superfunds the adaptively evolving common sense and common wisdom of prudent intergenerational investing in enterprising cash flows prioritized for social and environmental inclusion in the conduct of commerce

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"seeing the future through a stewardship lens"


elite exploratory thinker on the creative edge of the new economy